RZonar makes it easy to retrieve and cleanup data from the Zonar API.
The development version of RZonar is available from GitHub. Install with:
# install.packages("remotes")
This is a basic example which shows you how to retrieve all schedule events for a specified time period:
sched_data <- zonar_get_schedules(
start = paste(Sys.Date(), "07:00:00"),
end = paste(Sys.Date(), "07:15:00"))
#> Rows: 0
#> Columns: 11
#> $ zoneID <int>
#> $ Zone <chr>
#> $ category <chr>
#> $ `Asset ID` <chr>
#> $ Asset <chr>
#> $ Time <dttm>
#> $ `IN/OUT` <chr>
#> $ `Time In Zone` <chr>
#> $ Duration <chr>
#> $ `Duration Total` <chr>
#> $ `Distance (Miles)` <chr>
The data returned from the Zonar API is not always formatted conveniently. RZonar also provides convenience functions to post-process data returned from the API:
#> Rows: 0
#> Columns: 9
#> $ zoneID <int>
#> $ Zone <chr>
#> $ category <chr>
#> $ `Asset ID` <chr>
#> $ Asset <chr>
#> $ tgroup <int>
#> $ time_in <dttm>
#> $ time_out <dttm>
#> $ duration <drtn> secs
All exported functions are documented and the package includes vignettes to help you understand how the package is structured and what it is good for. On-line documentation can be found at https://bostonpublicschools.github.io/RZonar/.